Peter, one of the twelve disciples of Jesus, is a central figure in the New Testament. Known for his boldness and sometimes unpredictable actions, Peter’s life provides us with powerful lessons in faith, humility, and transformation. Here are ten interesting facts about Peter that highlight his journey as a follower of Jesus.

1. Peter’s Original Name Was Simon

Before he became known as Peter, he was called Simon, the son of Jonah (or John). Jesus gave him the name Peter (or "Cephas" in Aramaic), meaning "rock." This new name represented the solid foundation of faith that Peter would embody and build in others (John 1:42).

Key Bible Verse

“And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” – Matthew 16:18

2. Peter Was a Fisherman

Peter was a fisherman by trade before Jesus called him to be a “fisher of men.” His life as a fisherman symbolized humility and hard work, values that he would later apply to his ministry. Fishing was not an easy occupation; it required patience, strength, and perseverance – qualities Peter would need as a disciple.

3. Peter Was One of Jesus’ Closest Disciples

Among the twelve disciples, Peter, James, and John formed Jesus’ inner circle. Peter witnessed key events like the Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-9) and was often called upon for special tasks. This closeness showed the trust Jesus placed in Peter, despite his flaws.

4. Peter Had a Temper and Acted Impulsively

Peter’s personality was known to be bold and sometimes brash. For example, he famously cut off the ear of Malchus, a servant of the high priest, in an attempt to defend Jesus during His arrest (John 18:10). This impulsive action reflected Peter’s protective love for Jesus, though Jesus instructed him to put away his sword.

Examples of Peter's Impulsiveness

  • Cutting off Malchus's ear (John 18:10)
  • Speaking out at the Transfiguration (Mark 9:5-6)

5. Peter Denied Jesus Three Times

In a moment of weakness, Peter denied knowing Jesus three times, as Jesus had predicted (Matthew 26:34). This event profoundly impacted Peter, as he wept bitterly afterward, showing true repentance. It was a humbling experience that later strengthened his faith and resolve to follow Jesus.

6. Peter Was the First Disciple to Enter Jesus’ Empty Tomb

On the morning of the resurrection, when Mary Magdalene told Peter and John that Jesus’ body was missing, they both ran to the tomb. Although John reached the tomb first, Peter was the first to enter and see the empty grave clothes (John 20:3-6). This moment marked the beginning of his renewed faith and understanding of Jesus’ resurrection.

7. Peter Walked on Water (Briefly)

When Jesus walked on water toward the disciples' boat, Peter was the only disciple brave enough to step out onto the water. Though he began to sink when he doubted, this experience taught Peter to rely on Jesus’ strength rather than his own (Matthew 14:28-31).

8. Peter Played a Key Role at Pentecost

After Jesus’ ascension, Peter emerged as a prominent leader among the apostles. At Pentecost, he boldly preached to the crowd, explaining the significance of the Holy Spirit's coming and calling people to repentance. His message led to the conversion of about 3,000 people that day (Acts 2:14-41).

Important Pentecost Facts

  • Peter’s sermon: A call to repentance
  • Outcome: 3,000 converts were baptized

9. Peter Was a Central Figure in the Early Church

Peter was one of the primary leaders of the early Christian church. He faced opposition, preached with courage, and performed miracles. His leadership and testimony are prominent throughout the Book of Acts, especially when he healed a lame man at the temple gate (Acts 3:1-10) and faced persecution for preaching about Jesus.

10. Peter Was Crucified Upside Down

According to church tradition, Peter was martyred for his faith during Emperor Nero’s reign. He requested to be crucified upside down, as he felt unworthy to die in the same manner as Jesus. This final act of humility showed Peter’s dedication and transformation from an impulsive fisherman to a faithful servant willing to give his life for Christ.

Summary Table of Facts about Peter

Fact Description Key Bible Verses or Notes
Original Name Simon, renamed to Peter by Jesus John 1:42
Occupation Fisherman, later a "fisher of men" Matthew 4:19
Inner Circle One of Jesus' closest disciples Matthew 17:1-9
Temperament Bold, sometimes impulsive John 18:10
Denial of Jesus Denied Jesus three times, later repented Matthew 26:34
Witness to Resurrection First to enter the empty tomb John 20:3-6
Walked on Water Momentarily walked on water before doubting Matthew 14:28-31
Role at Pentecost Preached and led 3,000 to faith Acts 2:14-41
Early Church Leader Played a major role in the growth of the church Acts 3:1-10
Martyrdom Crucified upside down out of humility Church tradition

Peter’s life is a reminder of the power of faith, repentance, and transformation. Though he was imperfect, Peter’s journey inspires believers to trust in God, even in moments of doubt and weakness.

Read God's Word - Know Jesus, Savior and Friend

Romans 3:23

for all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God;

Romans 6:23

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 5:8

But God commends his own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.


Romans 10:13

For, “Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

You shall seek me, and find me, when you search for me with all your heart.