Yahweh - The Great I AM

Understanding Yahweh and the Relation to Jesus

Yahweh is a profound name for God, translating to "He Who Causes That Which Exists." This article explores Yahweh's significance, its connection to Jesus, and the Bible versions that use it. Learn how understanding Yahweh enriches appreciation of biblical texts and theology.
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The World English Bible (WEB): A Comprehensive Overview

The World English Bible (WEB): A Comprehensive Overview

Explore the World English Bible (WEB), a modern, public domain Bible translation. Learn about its history, methodology, editions, and comparisons with other versions.
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King David: A Central Figure in Biblical History

King David: A Central Figure in Biblical History

King David, revered as a shepherd, warrior, and psalmist, unified Israel and established Jerusalem as its capital. His legacy, marked by faith and flaws, profoundly shapes biblical history and messianic prophecy, embodying redemption and divine covenant.
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What is the Role of the Holy Spirit in this World

What is the Role of the Holy Spirit in this World?

Explore the multifaceted role of the Holy Spirit in guiding, empowering, and uniting believers, as well as its enduring presence in creation.
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