Prophets hold a unique role in the Bible, often serving as God's messengers and delivering His words to the people. They performed miracles, spoke of the future, and played essential parts in guiding God's people. Here are 10 interesting facts about these significant figures in the Bible.

1. Prophets Were Chosen by God to Deliver Messages

God chose specific individuals to be His spokespersons. A prophet's role was not self-assigned; they were directly appointed by God to relay messages to the people. This divine selection meant they often carried burdensome messages that demanded courage and faithfulness.

  • Example: In the book of Jeremiah, God tells Jeremiah that he was chosen even before birth (Jeremiah 1:5), illustrating God’s intentional choice of His messengers.

2. Prophets Often Came from Humble Backgrounds

Many prophets didn’t come from royalty or high society but from ordinary or even humble beginnings. God often selected individuals with no significant social status to convey the importance of faith and obedience over worldly power.

  • Example: Amos was a shepherd before God called him to be a prophet, showing that a person’s social standing had no bearing on their ability to serve God’s purpose.

3. They Frequently Used Symbolic Acts to Convey Messages

Biblical prophets didn’t always rely on words alone; they sometimes used symbolic acts to make a powerful point. These symbolic gestures served as vivid illustrations for the people to grasp God's message.

  • Example: In Ezekiel 4:4-8, the prophet Ezekiel lay on his side for days to symbolize the punishment coming upon Jerusalem, a powerful act that visually represented God's warnings.

4. Some Prophets Performed Miracles

While not all prophets were miracle-workers, several performed extraordinary acts by God's power. These miracles often served to affirm the prophet's message or to demonstrate God’s authority.

  • Example: Elijah is known for calling down fire from heaven (1 Kings 18:36-38), a dramatic display that affirmed God’s power and authority over false gods.

5. Prophets Called for Repentance and Social Justice

A recurring theme in prophetic messages is a call to repentance and a plea for social justice. Prophets highlighted not only individual sins but also the societal wrongs, calling for a return to righteousness and compassion.

  • Example: Micah famously preached about justice, urging people to "act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God" (Micah 6:8).

6. Prophets Were Often Unpopular and Persecuted

Delivering messages that criticized societal and individual sins led to prophets often being rejected or persecuted. Many suffered ridicule, imprisonment, or even death for staying true to their calling.

  • Example: Jeremiah is known as the "weeping prophet" because of the intense persecution he faced, including imprisonment (Jeremiah 38:6), for proclaiming God's message to a rebellious Israel.

7. Prophecies About Jesus Were Central to Their Messages

Many Old Testament prophets foretold the coming of a Messiah, bringing hope to the people. These prophecies about Jesus spanned centuries and are seen as some of the most significant foretellings in the Bible.

  • Example: Isaiah 53 describes the “suffering servant” who would bear the sins of many, a prophecy that Christians believe was fulfilled in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

8. Prophets Were Known for Their Intense Prayer Lives

Prayer was an integral part of a prophet’s life, as it strengthened their relationship with God and prepared them for their challenging missions. Their prayers were often heartfelt and intense, reflecting their deep connection with God.

  • Example: Daniel prayed three times a day, even when it meant risking his life (Daniel 6:10). His devotion to prayer strengthened him and allowed him to stay faithful despite opposition.

9. Prophets Had Different Roles Depending on the Time and Place

Some prophets served as advisors to kings, while others worked as voices of reform among the people. Their roles varied widely depending on the needs of the time and the community they served.

  • Example: Nathan served as an advisor to King David, bringing God’s message directly to him, especially when he confronted David about his sin with Bathsheba (2 Samuel 12).

10. Their Messages Were Recorded for Future Generations

Prophets didn’t just speak to their contemporaries; their words were recorded to instruct and inspire future generations. The prophetic books in the Bible serve as a record of God's dealings with His people and provide lessons that remain relevant today.

  • Example: The book of Isaiah spans many years and covers various themes, providing a historical and spiritual guide that has influenced generations.

Quick Summary Table

Fact Description
Chosen by God Prophets were divinely appointed to deliver messages.
Humble Backgrounds Many prophets had ordinary origins.
Symbolic Acts They used visuals to emphasize messages.
Miracle Workers Some prophets performed miracles by God’s power.
Called for Justice Prophets urged repentance and social reform.
Faced Persecution Many prophets were rejected or persecuted.
Prophesied the Messiah Foretold the coming of Jesus Christ.
Intense Prayer Lives Prophets had strong spiritual discipline.
Varied Roles Served different purposes in society.
Recorded Messages Their words were preserved for future generations.

These prophets remain as reminders of faith, courage, and dedication to God's mission. Their lives and messages serve as enduring sources of inspiration and guidance for believers across generations.

Read God's Word - Know Jesus, Savior and Friend

Romans 3:23

for all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God;

Romans 6:23

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 5:8

But God commends his own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.


Romans 10:13

For, “Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.”


You shall seek me, and find me, when you search for me with all your heart.